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Best and Worst Foods for Kid’s Teeth

Spencer Updike • May 02, 2016
Best and Worst Foods for Kid’s Teeth

We all know that the best way to protect our teeth is by brushing two times a day and flossing once a day. But there are certain foods that we, as parents, should eliminate to keep our kid’s teeth healthy. Below are some tooth-friendly foods and some foods to avoid serving to children.

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Dental Bonding
22 Apr, 2024
Dental bonding stands out as a swift and non-invasive procedure to correct dental imperfections, offering individuals the chance to enhance their smiles without the extended time commitment of other dental procedures. Popular among active residents of Salt Lake City, who often seek quick and effective cosmetic solutions, dental bonding caters to a variety of dental issues like chips, gaps, and discolorations with relative ease. This guide serves to illuminate the process, from evaluating candidacy to what one can expect during and after the treatment.
Dental Veneers
13 Apr, 2024
Dental veneers are often recognized for their role in creating picture-perfect smiles across glossy magazine covers and cinematic screens. Far beyond the superficial pursuit of aesthetic excellence, veneers serve as both a remedy and a stronghold for dental integrity, melding artistry with the science of dentistry. Within the depths of their porcelain or composite layers, veneers harbor the ability to transform not only smiles but lives, through an interplay of function, form, and dental health promotion.
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